Craig Showing Off His Garden (9/5) |
Overlooking His Hard Work (9/5) |
Lettuce (left) Spices/Herbs (right) (9/5) |
Finished Garden (9/5) |
Labor Day Work (9/6) |
Watering For The 1st Time Alone (9/6) |
Droopy Basil (9/11) |
Perky Lettuce (9/11) |
Proud Lil' Gardner (9/11) |
New Center Row (9/11) (Back 6 plants - Turnips Front 6 plants - Broccoli) |
Back Bed Cleared (9/18) |
Back Bed Cleared (9/18) |
Soaker Hose Placed (9/18) |
Soaker Hose Placed (9/18) |
Filling Beds (9/18) |
Spreading Out Soil (9/18) |
Covering Soaker Hose (9/18) |
Lovin' The Dirt! |
Harvesting Lettuce (10/3) |
Harvesting Lettuce (10/3) |
The Bounty (10/3) |
Relocated Basil (10/3) |
Cauliflower Planted (10/3) |
Rutabagas Planted (10/3) |
Raspberry/Blueberry x2/Blackberry (10/3) |
Parsley Planted Back of 2nd Row (10/3) |
Updated Garden (10/3) |
Pulling up dead B-berry bush (10/4) |
Digging out b-berry bush hole (10/4) |
Digging out b-berry bush hole (10/4) |
Digging out the b-berry bush hole (10/9) |
Planting new b-berry bush (10/9) |
Fenceing around berry bushes (10/9) |
Fencing around berry bushes (10/9) |
Caterpillar eaten broccoli (10/14) |
Caterpillar eaten broccoli (10/14) |
Sage and Thyme plants (10/14) |
Turning fertilizer into soil (10/17) |
Weed hunting (10/17) |
Farmer Craig (10/17) |
Thyme and Sage - Strong growth indoors (11/13 |
Duece, the veggie raiding bulldog (11/12) |
Craig (11/13) |
Thumbs Up! (11/13) |
Garden (11/13) |
Blackberry plant (11/13) |
Berry bushes (11/13) |
Rutabagas (11/13) |
Center head of lettuce (11/13) |
Oregano (11/13) |
Basil (11/13) |
Parsley (11/13) |
Mint (11/13) |
Blueberry bush 2 (11/13) |
Craig uncovering Garden (11/6) |
Uncovering Garden (11/6) |
Healthy Lettuce (11/13) |
Cauliflower (11/13) |
Replanted Rutabaga after dog attack (11/13) |
Broccoli (11/13) |
New broccoli growth (11/13) |
Dehydrating herbs (11/6) |
Rutabagas -bottom Herbs -top (11/13) |
Replanted lettuce after dog raid (11/13) |
Healthy broccoli (11/13) |
Crumbing herbs to store (11/6) |
Removing leaves rom stems on dried herbs (11/13) |
Herbs before dehydration |