Monday, September 6, 2010

First Day After Planting

Craig's labor day today started out with just that - labor. We woke up this morning and the first thing that Craig wanted to do was go out and look at his garden. I think he wanted to make sure that it was still there. We both slept like rocks after spending all day yesterday creating his garden, and so maybe he thought it had all been a dream. My sore muscles this morning are proof that it was definitely not a dream.
Craig's initial attempt at watering this morning were a little too strong!
After breakfast I let Craig know that he needed to water his garden. "Why?" he asked. I told him that just like he needs water to keep his body healthy, the vegetables needed water to be healthy and grow. He thought about that for a minute and then looked at his left over french toast from breakfast. "Momma, I think the vegetables are hungry too. I think they would like to have my french toast." He was a serious as a heart attack, and I couldn't help but smile. I explained to him that the plants had food in the dirt we planted them in and in a few weeks we would give them some special water with food in it.

So he went out to water the garden. It took a few tried for him to realize that he didn't have to shoot a strong stream of water at each plant, but he got it, and again had as much fun watering himself as he did the plants!
Craig got the hang of watering and gave all veggies a good long drink!

How did the veggies look this morning?
The veggies looked good this morning. After we initially planted the iceberg lettuce they looked pretty droopy. I was a little worried that maybe they wouldn't make it. Craig had tried to be as careful as he could be, but he is 4 after all. However, the lettuce had perked up this morning and looked healthy - from what I know of growing lettuce that is, which admittedly is not much. After Craig's watering, however, they looked a little beat up. Hopefully they will recover.

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